Improve Your Older Pet’s Quality of Life With These Steps


Caring for an older pet can be challenging for both the animal and the owner, as it often involves costly vet bills and ensuring that the pet is safe and healthy at all times. However, there are several things you can do to keep your animal happy and comfortable as he ages, including giving him the right diet and exercise combination and spending quality time with him. You can also look for tools and products to help him live his best life, from healthy treats to a crate that keeps him safe while you’re away from the house. Green Paw Shop offers a variety of products to help you care for your senior dog including supplements for age and joints. 

Here are a few things to keep in mind as you care for your older animal: 


Keep your pet safe while he’s outdoors

Dogs of all ages love to be outside, and if you have a backyard, it’s crucial to ensure that there are no safety hazards around. Check for plants that could be dangerous if ingested or divots in the lawn that could twist an ankle. If you have a pool, make sure there is an enclosure surrounding it. Some dogs are great about staying close to the house when they go outside, but if you don’t have a fence, it’s a good idea to put one up, not only to keep him from getting loose and being struck by a car but also to keep other animals from coming into your yard and creating a safety issue.

If you choose to make a big change to your property to accommodate your senior pet, such as putting in a fence or adding soft but durable material to areas they visit the most, remember to take photos and keep receipts for the purchase. These will come in handy when calculating the value of your home should you decide to sell down the road, especially if the buyer has their own aging pet they need to think about.


Make changes to the interior of your home as well

As your pet ages, it’s easy to overlook some of their changing needs, but there are a few simple things you can do around the interior of your home that will provide a greater comfort level and quality of life. Keeping the house at a consistent temperature, installing ramps (some of these are portable) over stairs, providing throw rugs with non-skid backing, and setting up pet gates that block off areas that could be safety issues are all easy and budget-friendly ways to help your animal stay safe inside your home. Green Paw Shop offers a convertible step/ramp to make climbing easier for your aging pup. 



Stay on top of his mental and physical health

Making certain changes around your home can certainly improve your pet’s quality of life and keep him safe, but it’s crucial to continue to monitor his well-being and take steps to keep him healthy. As long as the vet says it’s okay, your animal should get plenty of gentled activity every day and maintain a diet that supports his joint and gut health. It’s also important to have playtime where he can interact with you or other family members, whether it’s with his favorite toys or a simple game of hide-and-seek since this will help keep his mind sharp.

 Maintain his oral health

Another important aspect of your pet’s overall well-being is his oral health. Brushing his teeth regularly and keeping his gums healthy will ensure that there are no issues that could lead to heart disease or a reduction in his ability to eat well. You can also talk to your vet about setting up an appointment for a teeth cleaning. Though this option can be expensive, it’s also a great way to help older animals who are suffering from plaque buildup or bad breath.

Caring for an older pet comes with many challenges, but it doesn’t have to be stressful. By taking steps to keep him safe at home, maintaining his health, and providing for his specific needs, you can ensure that your older pet will be with you for many years to come. Click to learn more about caring for your senior dog's oral health.

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